Shout out to our Connellsville Branch for their generous donation to The Greater Connellsville Toy Drive benefitting children in the local area!
Our Connellsville Branch is helping their community by donating new blankets to the Care and Share Boutique of Connellsville Area Community Ministries. New and gently used blankets are being collected to distribute to residents in need this winter.
Pictured above is our Connellsville branch manager, Beth Williams with Dana Krofcheck from Connellsville Community Ministries.
Help us help local students in need! Our Charleroi Branch is partnering with the Charleroi Area School District Education Foundation to collect back to school essentials such as Binders, Notebooks, and #2 pencils for the upcoming school year. All donations will benefit the Charleroi Area School District students.
Please consider helping us by donating the following supplies needed:
Pictured from left: Robert Wicker, David Ghilani, and Robert Krzeminski.
cfsbank is pleased to announce that they recently added banking veterans, Robert Wicker, David Ghilani and Robert Krzeminski to their Commercial Lending Department.
Charleroi Senior Girls Tea Donation
Pictured from left: Kelly Moore, cfsbank Charleroi Branch Manager and Adele Hopkins, Athene Club President.
Athene member Kelly Moore, manager of cfsbank in Charleroi, Pa, presents a check to Athene President Adele Hopkins for $750 in support of the 75th annual Senior Girls Tea.
The Athene Club of Charleroi, which is celebrating its 120th program year, welcomed seven new members to the organization at a recent meeting and announced plans for its jubilee tea which will be sponsored, in part, by cfsbank.
BIG NEWS!!! cfsbank is proud to announce that they have partnered with Black Bear Sports Group, Inc who recently acquired Rostraver Ice Garden in Belle Vernon, PA property. Working together, we have renamed the facility. The facility will now be known as cfsbank Event Center!
Our Connellsville employees volunteered at the first Free Connellsville Holiday Dinner with food by Sparks Catering. Over 250 take out dinners were prepared along with 800 sit in meals!! Sponsored by Connellsville Community Ministries.
Our cfsbank employees volunteered at the Salvation Army in Washington! Our employees helped the Salvation Army volunteers wrap all the gifts that were donated for Christmas. What an amazing event!!!
Our Rostraver Branch donated to the Rostraver Township Police for their Santa Cop program which aims to help at least 350 Belle Vernon Area children.
Our Washington Branch donated to Trinity North Elementary School for Santa’s Workshop. The money will be used for students who don’t have money to shop. They also donated gift bags, tissue paper and wrapping paper.